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Join us Sundays @ 10:30 

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At JAG we believe that it is important for our kids to learn by watching and listening as we worship as a family. Our kiddos stay in the Sanctuary for the worship part of service.

Our Kingdom Kids program is for ages 3-10. Some our our parents with kids younger (1 &2) or on the younger age range (3&4 and not potty trained) will accompany their child to class. You know what is best for your child! When the worship music is over the kids will be dismissed to class. The Kingdom Kids area is located in the back of the church. The kids will be called to the front and enter the Kingdom Kids area through the door on the stage. ​

What is Kingdom Kids like?

In Kingdom Kids we like to have fun learning about Jesus!

We use High Voltage Curriculum for our lessons each week. It is our goal for kids to dig deeper into God's Word! We know that in this world where there are so many voices claiming to shout “my truth”, our children need to know THE TRUTH. The Bible is our guidebook for living and it is the foundation for the High Voltage curriculum. We try to  make learning the Bible fun, engaging, and relevant for all kids! Every lesson is focused on teaching children how to apply the Bible to their daily lives. High Voltage is written in a way that puts the child in the middle of the action. There are several videos and activities each week that grab the attention of the children and “spark” their interest in the subject matter for the day.

We love to see kids worship, so we add in Kids Worship Songs each week! We love for the kids to show off what they have learned so every few months the kids will sing during morning worship service!

One of the kids favorite parts of Kingdom Kids is craft time! They love being able to make something that goes along with the lesson or shows them how much Jesus loves them! 

Finally, The kids ask each week if they can fill the Blessing Box that we have at the front of the church. They absolutely love to pick out the food, carry it outside and put it in the box because they know that it is going to help someone! I love to see the heart of these young children learning to serve others just like Jesus!


BGMC Sunday- The Last Sunday of Each Month! 

Check Out A Video Segment from
our High Voltage Curriculum!

The Boys & Girls Missionary Challenge (BGMC) has a twofold purpose: to reach the children of the world and to create a heart of compassion in children. Our JAG Kingdom Kids are learning about missions each month during their lessons and putting what they have learned into action by collecting change that will be sent to missionaries around the world! The last Sundy of each month is BGMC Sunday and the kids have a change raid during morning worship, where they collect money from church members in their buddy barrels! We want our Kingdom Kids to Pray....Give...Go...!

Click the Logos below to Learn More!

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